
宾州大学公园. -与澳门威尼斯人官网长期合作, Barnes and Noble College — a Barnes and Noble Education company that operates the Penn State Bookstore — awarded a 2023-24 round of grants to support a range of programs and initiatives across the University. 自该公司于2015年启动赠款计划以来,已有超过1亿美元的资金投入该项目.200万美元已被授予为大学社区提供直接利益的优先项目, 重点关注与书籍和阅读相关的节目. 今年, 奖助金计划发放了139美元,来自澳门威尼斯人官网8个校区的12个大学项目. 

“我们很高兴能继续与巴诺书店合作,Margo DelliCarpini说, 联邦校园副校长兼澳门威尼斯人官网执行校长. “These grants will create such a positive effect across the Commonwealth when it comes to supporting the financial needs of our students, 在我们的大学和校园中创造参与机会并产生鼓舞人心的影响.” 

将其投资目标定位为对宾州州立大学和校园产生最大影响, Barnes and Noble College works through the Corporate Engagement Center to announce the grant program and facilitate the funding requests and awards. 这次最新的提案征集收到了24份请求. 

“We are excited to support a range of initiatives that help to make the Penn State student experience even more rewarding and beneficial,詹妮弗·盖耶说, 宾夕法尼亚州立书店的总经理.  



  • The Common Reading Program at Penn State Berks is designed to introduce students to the academic environment of college and provides first-year students with a positive reading experience, reinforces the message that reading is an integral part of the college experience and fosters a sense of community among first-year students. 


  • The Office of Continuing Education at Penn State Fayette offers a STEM camp to high schoolers in grades 9–12. 去年, 除了传统的高中夏令营, 它为6-8年级的中学生推出了为期3天的STEM训练营. 以前的夏令营都是由代表在家上学的学生参加的, 网络, 私立和公立学校.   


  • The establishment of the Barnes and Noble Engagement Series at Penn State Great Valley aims to enhance the student experience by offering a series of events and educational opportunities to resident students and offers international students an opportunity to interact with fellow graduate students. 


  • This public lecture and day of workshops with students and public lecture aims to invite an award-winning poet to Penn State Harrisburg in Spring 2024. 该计划总体上提高了对文学及其在社会中的相关性的认识, develops appreciation for diverse voices and stories and fosters cross-cultural connections across disciplines. 


  • The book club invites students to read a selected book with themes of sustainability pertaining to the Mont Alto area. 该俱乐部还为教职员工提供了参与阅读相同文学作品的机会. 


  • Penn State Mont Alto students will be invited to participate in a four-session workshop series where they will learn important aspects of wellness including dealing with depression, 焦虑, 学术压力, 测试的担忧, 健康营养, 锻炼, 健康的关系, 睡眠卫生, 预防自杀, 财务状况, 药物滥用. 


  • Selected students at the campus will have an opportunity to receive gifts cards and scholarships that enable them to purchase textbooks, 校园书店里的日用品和更多的东西,增加他们学业成功的机会. 

澳门威尼斯人官网 Park – Eberly College of Science’s Penn State In-Service Workshops in Astronomy 

  • The Penn State In-Service Workshops in Astronomy (PSIWA) aim to help high school and some middle-school teachers more confidently and effectively educate students about forefront topics in astronomy, 物理与技术, 从而增加了准备上大学的人数, 宾夕法尼亚州及其他地区精通stem的学生. 


  • Engineering Ahead at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 and Penn State Berks started in 2016 as a National Science Foundation-funded project designed to address the national need to diversify the STEM workforce. The goal of Engineering Ahead is to increase recruitment and retention among students from communities underrepresented in engineering. 


  • The Sokolov-Miller Family Financial and Life Skills Center will invest in creating a Financial Wellness Bookshelf available at their location in 大学公园 as well as satellite bookshelves at the 19 commonwealth campuses and an online bookshelf for World Campus students. This bookshelf would be a resource for students to explore different aspects of their financial life by selecting a free book on a topic that interests them. 


  • 资金将用于购买儿童图书, young adults and adults — that focus on the importance of learning about Native American culture; the shared focus on this subject will enable families to read and learn together.   


  • The Nittany Scholars Program at Penn State 纽约 is an access and success program designed to support capable students who, 出于各种原因, may not have the resources or social privileges they need to provide for their success throughout their college experience.  它强化了澳门威尼斯人官网的诚信价值观, 尊重, 责任, 发现, 卓越与社区. 


下一轮拨款申请将于2024年5月1日开始,2024年5月31日结束. Barnes and Noble College has a particular interest in hearing from programs that are related to books or reading, 和澳门威尼斯人官网有联系吗, focus on Penn State students or local communities with financial or finance-related needs and have the possibility of engaging the local Barnes and Noble College campus bookstore. 联系Beth Colledge,公司活动主管,地址: (电子邮件保护) 有关资助计划或奖项的更多信息. 

Donors like Barnes and Noble College advance the University’s historic land-grant mission to serve and lead. 通过慈善事业, alumni and friends are helping students to join the Penn State family and prepare for lifelong success; driving research, outreach and economic development that grow our shared strength and readiness for the future; and increasing the University’s impact for families, 病人, 以及整个英联邦和世界各地的社区. 欲知详情,请浏览 提高.事业单位.edu


The Corporate Engagement Center connects industry partners to strategic opportunities at Penn State for research and development, 慈善事业, 人才招聘. 2019年汇聚一堂, 该中心是行业/大学关系的枢纽, 支持公司在澳门威尼斯人官网的巨大资源中进行导航. 团队在这里是为了帮助建立持久、互利的关系. 

The Corporate Engagement Center is a joint initiative of the Office of the Senior Vice President for Research and the Office of University Development, 与就业服务中心合作.